
Reimagine the retail environment.

Create space to enhance the brand experience. Design for connection.

Today’s consumers prioritize convenience, seeking personalized experiences that are both seamless and easy. Retail spaces are designed to reflect these sentiments, creating connections with the brand to build loyalty and enhance customer interaction. From showroom to dressing room and front-of-house to back of house, design to create and define the retail experience.


Personalized service. Individualized experience.

In today’s digital world, retail environments need to blend the virtual and the in-person space. Design should focus on delivering unique experiences to connect and engage with customers— enhancing value and building loyalty.


Engage the senses. Foster discovery.

Retail environments need to be inviting and warm - engaging the senses to provide multi-sensory moments that stimulate scent, touch, taste, sound and sight to connect with customers on a deeper, more meaningful level. Through design elements including texture, pattern and color, brands can create connection and distinction in a fast-paced, distracted world.


Adaptable spaces. Supporting performance.

Retail spaces need to facilitate customer engagement, provide directionality and wayfinding, and create zones for function and purpose-- all while enhancing the brand experience. Flooring is often an integral part of this solution, defining space, managing acoustics and offering a durable, high-performing product that will withstand the demands of a busy retail environment.


From inspiration and ideas to tools and trays, simplify the process with a little help from our resources. Whether you’re looking for samples, stock or sound advice, we’ve got you covered.