Events / Design for Healthy Aging Workshop

Perspectives and Conversations Influencing a New Healthcare Landscape

Products: Sense Sheet colors Ease & Esteem & Pursue Sheet color Natural

Patcraft is a Thought Leadership partner with The Center for Health Design. Our organizations are working together to collaborate, explore, develop knowledge, and share findings around key points of healthcare design and the intersection with healthcare delivery systems; including Hospitals, OP/Ambulatory Care and Senior Living. Our organizations are working together to collaborate, explore, develop knowledge, and share findings around key points of healthcare design and the intersection with healthcare delivery systems; including Hospitals, OP/Ambulatory Care and Senior Living.


Looking to green chemistry to create a circular resilient product, ReMaterial is made of polyolefin materials including up to 25% post-consumer recycled plastic derived from products like yogurt cups and laundry detergent containers.  It is PVC- Free and In the Loop meaning the products can be fully recycled through Patcraft’s re[TURN]® reclamation program, at the end of a long life span, to be turned into the material ingredients to make other EcoWorx products.    

This circular process creates an ingredient stream that reduces raw material extraction from the earth and lowers the embodied carbon footprint of future products to continue the cycle of creating new products out of old.  ReMaterial is a carbon neutral collection with low embodied carbon.    


AdMix colors White Coral & Sharks Tooth

High Demand Environments


In operating rooms, there is a great need to prevent the spread of infections. 

  • Admix can be flash coved up the wall, creating an easy-to-clean edge and corner in areas where extreme sanitation matters.
  • AdMix can be installed with coordinating weld rod options, adding a strong seam that is impervious to topical moisture suitable in an operating room environment or in a heavy demand area.
  • True through-body construction means there are no separate layers to the product, providingexcellent durability, superior gouge and abrasion resistance, and assisting in infection control.
  • Resin-to-resin heat welding creates a permanent, molecular bond at the seam.

AdMix colors White Coral & Sharks Tooth

Our Carbon Story

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Be Well: Case StudyBe wel

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Moisture Solutions

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Hero Image: Project: Boone Ridge / Photo: @Josh Partee 2019 / Film Contract Interiors llc / Product Used: Palma

Carousel Image:  Project: Duxbury Senior Living  / Firm: Kentico, EGA Architects and Cutler Design Photo: Mike Sears Photography /  Products Used: Crossover Beachscape